
Gone Chapter 3- Mountain Protector

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Literature Text

Chapter 3- Mountain Protector

Where am I?
Why is it dark?
Where are my brothers?
Im scared…

3 weeks…


Leo scanned the trees, looking at the path that led deep into dangerous territory. He frowned remembering his little brother, the last time he saw him. Pain overcame him along with regret, he was the oldest, he should of went after him, he should of kept Mikey close. His eyes shifted towards the cabin behind him. He shook his head, walking up to the door Leo peered inside, seeing his baby brother laying on the couch. His arm was worse then they had thought, Mikey’s arm got infected, he’s been laying down with a high fever for days now. Raph looked down at Mikey as his baby brother’s head laid on his lap.
Mikey whimpered as pain strived in his left arm. He opened his eyes only to close them again. Pain gripped in Raphs chest, hearing his brother whimper, it broke him. “Mikey your okay…”
“It hurts, Raphie it hurts!” He cried out. Raph kept his jaw tight, he stroked his brothers head. He silently looked up at Leo. His green eyes were glassy, he was struggling to keep it together. Leo grabbed a wash cloth, dunking it in water before placing it on his baby brothers head. He frowned, looking up at his father, who entered with a bag on his back. He closed the door. “My sons…How is Michelangelo?”
Leo knelt next to the couch. He rubbed his brother’s tummy and shook his head. “Sensei….what do we do?” His voice gave way as tears formed.
Splinter laid a hand on his eldest son’s shoulder. “Something….that we never wanted to do…”
Raph widened his eyes. “You cant Sensei!”
Splinter hung his head. “It that or let him die in severe pain…..which would you prefer Raphael?” Splinter’s eyes shifted to his red masked son..
Raph  ggot up, carefully moving Mikey into a better position, resting his head on a pillow. At this point the baby brother gave in to much needed sleep. “We cant! If we just find Donnie then im sure---”
Splinter went to his son and laid his hands on the boys shoulders.  “We are already risking his life as it is….Donatello may be found, but at what cost would take to search for him….by the time we may have found him, it maybe to late…..”
Raph’s eyes grew wider, he looked distraught, he stepped back from his father as emotions over ride him. “Raph…” Leo inched towards him but was shoved off as Raph made his way out of the cabin, slamming the door behind him. Anger gripped him, sorrow and more despair soon followed making the turtle collapse to his knees in the middle of the forest, he growled slamming his fists in the ground, as much as he could, cursing.
He should have been there, why did he not pay more attention? His little brother never deserved this. He was an innocent. He glared up at the multi colored sky.  “If you all high and mighty why don’t you save my brother!?” he screamed. “Why not make his arm better! Huh!” He panted as anger overcame him. He took out his sai, slashing the tree bark near him. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why did he have to stop! Why wasn’t I there! Damn it!” Raph screamed louder, slamming his sai into the ground before leaning his head on his shaking hands that gripped his sai harder. Tears escaped him. “Stupid little brothers….” He sobbed, letting sorrow take him.
What felt like a eternity just sitting there Raph felt something suddenly gripping his shoulder. Looking up he saw his older brother, his eyes dull blue. “Leonardo?”
Leo wrapped his arms around Raph and held him. “Mikey will recover….Donnie will be found.”
Raph kept his eyes on his sai. “Its been three weeks though……we looked all over….”
Leo frowned and rubbed Raphs’s shell. “Not everywhere….” He turned Raph to him and stared him right in the eyes with full determination. “I promise you….we will find him…”


Leo gazed at his two sleeping brothers, a small smile curved on his face, remembering the two when they were little. He gazed on Mikey’s wrapped up nub, where his arm was cut. He closed his eyes, pain grieved over him again. He looked at the full moon in the front windows. He sucked in a breath, gripping his katana blade he headed out into the cold atmosphere. He tied his cape over his shoulders, putting his hood over his head, keeping as much warmth as possible as he headed off.  Slashing through weeds that were higher then him, getting through the dark forest, the only light was just the full moon above. He stopped when he suddenly saw a dark shadow before him, looking up at the clutter of huge trees he saw a figure. Leo gripped his katana as he squinted, trying to get a better look, The figure disappeared in a flash. Leo looked around, cautious, and now on edge, Leo yelped when he felt something hard hit him in the face, he fell to his butt. Holding his front. He removed his hand and blinked a bit. His vision was a bit blurry but still seeable. He arched his head up where he was met with a hooded masked figure. He had a large axe in his hands, knee pads, elbow pads, could it be….
Donnie gazed at the stranger with confusion…. who was Donnie? Who is this blue masked turtle? Sudden pain came to his head, making him groan. no not the pain…not again…I must protect the mountain…the girls…I must! Donnie stiffened up as the stranger inched towards him, raising his axe he glared at the unknown. He felt his heart break a little, why did he feel this? This warm fuzzy feeling. Flashes of memories flooded his mind. So much he staggered a little. When the stranger got closer Donnie swung his axe, grazing the turtles arm. He held his head. Closing his eyes he blocked the memories, only thought about one thing. He opened his eyes and charged at the blue masked clad. The stranger’s katana blades encountered his attack. “Donnie! What the heck!?”
Donnie pushed harder. “I don’t know who Donnie is…”
The turtle wide eyed him, his eyes were filled with hurt and regret. “Donnie?” He lost his attention to the sudden news of his brother not knowing who he was, he never felt so much pain in his life once that axe slashed his face, ripping off his mask. His katantas fell as he did, he held his bloody face gritting his teeth. He opened his eyes but couldn’t see anything, nothing at all. Donnie raised his axe above the injured turtle. He frowned. This wasn’t right, Donnie shoved the axe in its holder on his back and picked up the stranger. “Ill get you home okay?” he spoke before taking off. He must of lived in that cabin he saw a few days ago. Something told him to go there, for a reason, he just didn’t know what the reason why. He sat Leo down in a chair. “Im sorry, but I must leave.”
Leo reached out and grabbed something, what felt like skin, A hand? He didn’t know, “Donnie….don’t go…please…” The object pulled out of Leo’s grip before hearing a knock on wood. “Donnie?” He cried out as he heard footsteps walking down the steps.
“I am not this Donnie person….I am the mountain protector….” The nasally voice spoke. The footsteps soon vanished, and the sound of a door opened.
“Leonardo!” his father’s voice gasped, he felt himself lifted, the warmth of the house came into play, and the door shutting. Leo blinked but no matter what he couldn’t see. It was dark. For the first time, he was terrified. “Father….I cant see!” He shrieked.
Splinter held his son’s hand. “Calm down son. We will get you better.”
“I cant….my vision….dad!?” Leo’s heart pounded, he couldn’t breath, couldn’t think, couldn’t see.

“Donnie…” Leo voiced before hearing nothing, and only seeing pitch black.
Man, what a chapter.... Poor guys....Leo no! oh god...oh god x..x

Who is this masked guy attacking Leo? errr
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